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Debunking Grey Hair Myths: Insights from Dr. Aanchal Panth

Dr. Aanchal Panth addresses common myths surrounding grey hair and sets the record straight.

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Debunking Grey Hair Myths: Insights from Dr. Aanchal Panth

Photo Credit: Dr. Aanchal Panth Instagram

  • Dr. Aanchal Panth is a Dermatologist and digital influencer
  • She hair myths related to grey hair
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Grey hair is a natural part of ageing, but there are numerous myths surrounding its causes and remedies. Dr. Aanchal Panth, a well-respected dermatologist and digital influencer, sheds light on some of the most common myths about grey hair and provides scientific explanations to debunk them.

1. Plucking Grey Hair Causes More to Appear:

One widespread belief is that plucking grey hair will lead to the growth of more grey hairs in its place. Dr. Panth clarifies that this is a myth. Plucking hair does not affect the surrounding hair follicles. However, she advises against plucking as it can damage the hair follicle and lead to potential hair loss or thinning in the area.

2. Oiling Reduces Grey Hair:

Another common misconception is that regular oiling of the scalp can reduce the occurrence of grey hair. Dr. Panth explains that while oiling can nourish the scalp and improve hair health, it does not have any direct impact on the pigmentation of hair. Grey hair is primarily caused by a reduction in melanin production, which is not influenced by oiling.

3. Hair Colour Increases Hair Graying:

Many people believe that using hair colour can accelerate the greying process. Dr. Panth debunks this myth by stating that hair colour does not affect the natural pigmentation of hair. While excessive use of harsh chemicals in some hair dyes can damage hair, it does not directly cause hair to turn grey.

Dr. Aanchal Panth's insights help dispel common myths about grey hair, providing a clearer understanding of the factors that influence hair pigmentation. By addressing these misconceptions, individuals can make more informed decisions about their hair care routines and embrace the natural process of ageing with confidence.

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