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Top 5 Destinations to Visit During June, July, and August

Hidden Travel Destination for Rainy Season

Hidden Travel Destination,Travel Destination,Rainy Season,Jinali & Malav,Top 5 Destinations,Ladakh,Kashmir,Hampi,Valley of Flowers,Spiti Valley

Top 5 Destinations to Visit During June, July, and August

Photo Credit: Jinali & Malav

  • Travel Destination for Rainy Season
  • Ladakh: A Himalayan Adventure
  • Kashmir: Discovering Paradise

Embarking on a journey to escape the monsoon rains led me to discover some of India's most enchanting destinations. From the rugged terrains of Ladakh to the serene valleys of Uttarakhand, here's a glimpse into my personal experience exploring these hidden gems during the rainy months.

1. Ladakh: A Himalayan Adventure

Setting foot in Ladakh felt like stepping into a dreamland surrounded by towering mountains and pristine lakes. As I explored the bustling streets of Leh, I was captivated by the rich cultural tapestry woven by its vibrant markets and ancient monasteries.

Venturing further into the wilderness, Pangong Lake unfolded before me like a painting, its azure waters mirroring the vast expanse of the sky. Camping by the lakeside under the starlit night was a surreal experience, making me feel connected to nature in ways I had never imagined.

Top 5 Destinations to Visit During June, July, and August

Photo Credit: Jinali & Malav

2. Kashmir: Discovering Paradise

My travels through Kashmir were nothing short of magical, with each moment filled with awe and wonder. Cruising along the tranquil waters of Nigeen Lake aboard a shikara, I was mesmerized by the floating gardens and ornate houseboats that dotted the landscape.

As I stood atop the snow-clad peaks of Gulmarg, I felt a sense of exhilaration that only comes from being surrounded by nature's grandeur. Lupines are only witnessed here in India.
Sonmarg, with its alpine meadows and gushing rivers, offered a refreshing escape amidst the majestic peaks. 
Additionally, Pahalgam, known as the "Valley of Shepherds," welcomed me with its lush greenery and breathtaking landscapes, perfect for leisurely walks and pony rides.

Apart from the above famous destinations our experience visiting Doodhpathri and Botapathri was incredible.

Top 5 Destinations to Visit During June, July, and August

Photo Credit: Jinali & Malav

3. Hampi: A Step Back in Time

Wandering through the ancient ruins of Hampi felt like traversing through the pages of history. The intricate carvings of the Virupaksha Temple and the majestic stone chariot of the Vittala Temple left me in awe of the architectural genius of the Vijayanagara Empire.

Trekking through the rugged terrain, I stumbled upon hidden gems tucked away amidst the boulder-strewn landscape. Exploring the ruined temples, and bazaars is an unbelievable experience 

Fun Fact:- City of Hampi is mostly dry throughout the year.

Top 5 Destinations to Visit During June, July, and August

Photo Credit: Jinali & Malav

4. Valley of Flowers, Uttarakhand: A Botanical Paradise

Trekking through the Valley of Flowers was like stepping into a fairytale world adorned with a myriad of colors and fragrances. With each step, I encountered rare Himalayan flowers blooming amidst lush green meadows, creating a scene straight out of a painting.

As I traversed through the valley, I found myself surrounded by snow-capped peaks and glistening streams, a sight that filled my heart with joy and gratitude. And amidst the tranquility of nature, I discovered a sense of peace that stayed with me long after I left.

5. Spiti Valley: Unraveling Mysteries

My journey to Spiti Valley was an adventure unlike any other, as I traversed through rugged landscapes and remote villages nestled amidst the Himalayas. Visiting ancient monasteries like the Ki Monastery and Tabo Monastery, I delved into the region's rich cultural heritage and spiritual traditions.

Driving through winding mountain roads, I witnessed breathtaking vistas at every turn, from vast barren expanses to towering peaks piercing the sky. It should be high up on everyone's bucket list. 

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